
Some of my favourite websites and products!

Farmacist Desk Reference: The world's first encyclopedia of wholefood medicine. Contains wisdom from the Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Hebrews, Chinese, Native Americans, Incas and others who through time treated themselves to high vitality and longevity using plant produced wholefood.

You will understand the cause of all disease and with The FDR's complete A-Z list of symptoms and whole food remedies you will know how to put the power of health into your own hands.

Vitamix:  Wouldn't be without mine!
Perfect for smoothies, home-made ice creams; nut butters; grinding and more.
miessence toothpaste: Free of artificial colours, flavourings and without fluoride, aluminium or detergents, all Miessence toothpastes contain only natural ingredients. Contains the fresh taste of spearmint and peppermint with the cleaning power of bicarbonate of soda and the astringent and antiseptic properties found in cinnamon leaf oil and clove bud essential oil.

Trilogy products: Love their products and how they make your skin feel.
I've been using Trilogy for years as I have always had a problem with sensitive skin.

Juicer: Silent and low speed extraction means you get more juice for your money and more nutrients from your ingredients.
A decent juicer is well worth the investment.
My girls love to whip up a quick juice in the morning or afternoon and what better way to get your kids into fresh juices!